Director's Message
Welcome to the Long Beach Unified School District Head Start and Early Head Start school family!
We are honored that you have entrusted the care and education of your child to us. We are committed to providing each child and family with quality early care and education in a safe, well-supervised, and nurturing environment. Our program is family-centered and we see parents and families as children’s first and most important teachers. As such, we are excited to have parents engaged in all aspects of the program. There are many opportunities for involvement, including: volunteering in the classroom, chaperoning on field trips, helping out during special events, participating in parent committees, attending parenting groups and workshops and being part of the program’s decision-making process. Volunteering not only benefits your child’s classroom, but it also helps strengthen our program and shows your child you care about their education. Research has shown that children, whose parents are involved in their education early on, have better social and academic outcomes. By volunteering in your child’s classroom, you will learn how to be an advocate for your child, positively impact the lives of many young children, assist the teaching team in countless ways, and gain knowledge for yourself about how children grow and learn. At-home activities are an extension of classroom learning. Your child’s teacher will provide you with activities that you and your child can do together. Beginning preschool is an important step in your child’s life. You will no doubt have many questions you would like to ask especially if this is the first time you have had a child in preschool. The Parent Handbook, located to the left of this message, has been prepared to guide you in matters pertaining to our program. Please read it carefully and feel free to ask us any questions you may have.